Thursday, November 30, 2006

"We Belong" Documentary Exposes Homophobia in High School

I felt this should be seen by all so I took this directly from Towleroad this afternoon. Please Go and Vote. The contest ends 12:01am December 2nd. So basically you have until midnight Friday evening to log on/register and vote. It is a good cause and only takes about 30 seconds to do.

Head over to Current TV and check out "We Belong", a fantastic short documentary entered in their Seeds of Tolerance contest. The doc was made by CJ Wills and exposed the homophobia and bullying at Franklin High School in Venango County, Pennsylvania.

And a special note from PageOneQ. If 1,000 people head over to Current TV and vote for "We Belong" the producers will donate the entire $100,000 prize to programs reducing homophobia in American schools.

I will add this: I also like the short entitled "Blood Brothers". It is about tolerance and gay-bashing.

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How I Spent the Afternoon.