Thursday, November 30, 2006

My Secret....

is that this time of year is my favorite time. It is time for the Victoria's Secret Show. Get your tivos and dvrs ready for the night of December the 5th, 10pm on CBS. This is the one yearly event on television I will not miss.Pictures courtesy of Manchic. Got to love Steph & Alek.

"We Belong" Documentary Exposes Homophobia in High School

I felt this should be seen by all so I took this directly from Towleroad this afternoon. Please Go and Vote. The contest ends 12:01am December 2nd. So basically you have until midnight Friday evening to log on/register and vote. It is a good cause and only takes about 30 seconds to do.

Head over to Current TV and check out "We Belong", a fantastic short documentary entered in their Seeds of Tolerance contest. The doc was made by CJ Wills and exposed the homophobia and bullying at Franklin High School in Venango County, Pennsylvania.

And a special note from PageOneQ. If 1,000 people head over to Current TV and vote for "We Belong" the producers will donate the entire $100,000 prize to programs reducing homophobia in American schools.

I will add this: I also like the short entitled "Blood Brothers". It is about tolerance and gay-bashing.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

One Picture.

One picture is all I took the whole weekend, but I did have fun.

I got to DC around 10:30pm Friday after a long, long trip on the Chinese bus. Someone spilled soda on the floor and I think my trainers were stuck to the floor for 3/4 of the trip.
Got to the hotel and was surprised to find that my captain, David, had given me my own room. I hate rooming alone at these things because then you have to go running around to find people and teammates to go out with.
Went back down to the lobby and met up with members of NY Toxic and Seven to go hit some bars. Not a late night seeing as how it was already 11 and we had to play at 8am.
Drinks at the DC Eagle, disappointing crowd but good videos on the screens. Haha.
Maybe an hour there then off we went back to the hotel to pick up some more people and hit Halo. Very cute, bright loungy bar. Alot of volleyball people there and since it was only 3 blocks from the hotel a good place to end the night and go back to rest.
Memories of that night: Mama and Everett dancing around and Mama getting ready to tear two cute vball boys up, in a good way. Love him.

Saturday was all about playing. We team had a very good schedule, we started at 8 and we were done by 3:30. I say that is good because some teams were there at 8 and didn't get done until about 7:30. Those teams had about a 4hour break in the afternoon but I would rather get it over with and go back to the hotel which is exactly what we did.
Showered. Rested. Watched movie. Prepared to leave for seeding party, basically a buffett dinner where they list your seed(rating) for the day and also your schedule for Sunday elimination play.
Ate. Laughed. Watched people play pool. Met new friends. Got tired early and was back at hotel by 11 to just lay and feel the sore knees from Saturday.

Got up Sunday with a different plan. Needed my coffee and food, two things I didn't get before playing on Saturday. I get my Caribou Coffee and head back to drive to the venue. Day goes well. We played hard. Sadly we only took 3rd place in our division. Good playing though so not too sad.
Got our medals and hit the road to get back to NYC.

As I said I took one picture the whole weekend and it was of my and my friend Michael, who lives in DC. He begged me to stay over Sunday night so we could go out but by the time I heard back from him later in the day I had thought it best to take my free ride back to NYC. He will be up for Christmas/New Years in NYC anyway.
I need to start editing down these volleyball tournament stories. Seems more like a journal of the whole trip than a quick story. Already done now so will leave it but next time no boring details. Too wordy.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Time for DC.....AGAIN

Just about to run out the door to catch my Chinatown bus down to Washington DC for the annual volleyball tournament.
Came in 2nd last year. Hope to just as good if not better this year, but I am playing with people I do not know so that will tell the tale.
There will be pictures to come (My yahoo photos) and probably no tales to tell, but I am hoping to have fun.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Coffee Cups:

My friend Richard sent me this little story and I thought it was the perfect time to post it for all to see, enjoy and learn from. Thanks to Richard and Paul and Happy Thanksgiving

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to
visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into
complaints about stress in work and life.

The professor went to the kitchen and returned with
a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups -
porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking,
and, some were expensive, some very exquisite.
He told them to help themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said:
"If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up,
leaving behind the plain and the cheap ones.

While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves,
that is the source of your problems and your stress.
Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee.

In most cases it is just more expensive and,
in some cases even hides what we drink.
What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup,
but you consciously went for the best cups.
And, then you began eyeing each other's cups.

Now consider this: Life is the coffee, the jobs, money etc.
Position in society are the cups.
They are just tools to hold and contain Life.
The type of cup we have does not define,
nor change the quality of Life we live.

Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup,
we fail to enjoy the coffee life has provided us."
Life brews the coffee, not the cups.....

Enjoy your coffee and remember,
"The happiest people don't have the best of everything.
They just make the best of everything."

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to fate. You are the miracle, my friend.
Your life either shines a light......or casts a shadow.

For The Days Ahead, Have a Wonderful Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Chosen One Shall Return...

on July 13th 2007 apparently. Click here for the teaser trailer.

It looks good and I will be waiting for it. Sad, but I love these movies. Pure escapism at its best.

I have to say I was never on the band wagon until most of the books had already come out. I only read the third book, the first one I read, because I knew there would be a lot lost in the translation to the movie. Then as the books got bigger and bigger I just knew I couldn't stop reading. And there are little details along the way that explain plenty.

I will wait for the last book, of course. I will read it months after it comes out, probably borrow it from a friend.

This movie should be the real kicker of the series. Alot of action, the kids are pretty much adults in this magical world they live in due to circumstances beyond their control.

Will be good to see this movie, even if it is eight and a half months away.
And on that note....

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Playing Email Catch Up

Michael sent me this picture from London over the weekend. Just getting back to try and post after being out in Queens most of the weekend coaching a volleyball tournament.

First picture is Michael with Mr. Leslie Jordan at an HRC event in Houston a couple of weekends ago.

Second picture is of the team, NY Spikealicious, that I was coaching out at Queens College this past Friday through early Sunday evening. I got back in time to see Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters though.

More on the team and the Golden Apple/Green Apple tournament in a post later today.

Friday, November 10, 2006

So Much To Tell

And I will get to it, I promise I will.

But the two things that are cracking me up right now are this website: Evangelical Dating and the thought of this title for an actual book for women: How To Make Your Man a Bottom.

How I Spent the Afternoon.