Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Word from Your Blogger!! What Really???


Yes, sorry for the extended leave of absence with just a few pictures in passing to keep you, ever so slightly, at bay.

Alot going on with my life in the last few months, the most being a great (absolutely fabulous man) but those of you in the know KNOW that I don't write about that stuff anymore but I will put it out there that I am SO happy. So very happy.

So now a little rundown of the past few months.

A few Broadway shows:
Equus was for my birthday back in December.
Hedda Gabler
9 to 5: The Musical
Waiting for Godot
Out of all the shows I would say Waiting for Godot was the only one I didn't really enjoy. Although it was nice to see Bill Irwin on stage again.
Surprisingly enough I really enjoyed Hedda Gabler.

So much volleyball in the city with a side tournament in Pittsburgh.Meet "Red Square Mafia. Yeah, I am not sure about the name either but we had a great time and are going to try and keep as much as the team together as possible.

A few trips in the NE region: DC for the HRC Dinner and then just last weekend a trip to Philadelphia. My first time there after living in NYC for close to 15years.Philadelphia was fun. Nice to get away and see a bit of the history. You can see that above. It would seem that red is my color of choice lately, no?

Okay, tired of typing. Going to finish my lemonade you see there in the picture and head to the park for a little bit before I have to do brunch.

I hope everyone is enjoying this great weather we are having this few days and stay safe.

I will talk to u all again soon.

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How I Spent the Afternoon.