Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hiro & Vicky B.

Sorry for this really bad picture but I don't take my camera with me to dark clubs, I am not a paparazzi. I had no idea there would be a sighting to be telling people about.

Actually it has been a whole day and this is the first time I have mentioned it at all.

Went to HIRO Ballroom last night for Cuckoo and I knew it would be slow since fashion week was over and it was literally 12 degrees outside.

Got inside and it wasn't the usual walk right in that we get.
We had to stop and do two stamps and then we got in and the buzz was that Mrs Victoria Beckham was in the house.

Not more than 20 minutes later, right after we decided to leave our spot in front of DJ Honey to walk around there was the announcement that she was there and poof she was on stage, right were I was moments before. I was annoyed. Now I was upstairs and looking from the second floor stairs but I did manage to grab my phone and take a few shots. They all look the same and are really bad but if u look you can see her.

Squint hard.

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How I Spent the Afternoon.