Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bad Movie Pleasures This Weekend.

It is amazing how in one weekend you can see some good bad movies and also some bad good movies and love them all.

First up: Alexander.
Colin Farrell with various wigs and Angelina Jolie as his mom who is just a bitch beyond belief. Good action sequences though. But the acting was so over the top, but then again wasn't everything back then just so over the top that it was probably on the button.

Second up: Snakes On A Plane.
So finally I saw this movie. The idea is so beyond belief but was entertaining just to see who would make it and who wouldn't. Effects could have been a touch better at times but I thought it was an entertaining ride up until they brought the plane down. Sorry but that is the one thing in the movie that was totally beyond belief for me.

And last but not least: Miami Vice.
Yes, Colin twice in one weekend. Sad to say that it was literally the tv show just on the big screen. Colin just making faces and Jamie Fox just doing what Tubbs did on the tv show; sit in the background and say yes to everything.

Since all were somewhat action movies I would probably have to rate them top to bottom just as they are above.

But I will say the blond police woman in Miami Vice had a damn good aim.

Stupid post but it was going through my head.

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How I Spent the Afternoon.