Friday, October 19, 2007

Stroke, Stroke, Stroke

Get stroked in person:
10/20 - New York City (Chelsea)
Rainbows Bookstore 12-3 p.m.

10/20 - New York City (Chelsea)
Gym Sports Bar 5-9 p.m.

Men of Strokes Calendar Website

I should really have posted this before but my friend Michael Z. and members of his rowing team from the DC Strokes are headed to NYC this weekend to promote their 2008 calendar.

Should be a great time and a real pleasure to meet these guys as they do two meet and greets in Chelsea.

I can imagine that GYM Bar will be packed, especially since it is also during the Saturday volleyball day and that is where we all end up between 5-9pm.

Come say hi, get a look, take a photo with a Stroker and then BUY THE CALENDAR.

See you there..

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How I Spent the Afternoon.