Saturday, June 09, 2007

A Big Hello to......

Mr Eric Larson.
Chris at Clever Fool.
A couple of readers who were nice enough to identify himself somehow to me.
There are more people I could list but I think I will just list a couple at a time and you can also check out their blogs, if they have one and maybe add it to your favorites. Well, on your favorites list below mine, of course.

Headed to the park now.
Have a sunny Saturday, I will.


Baiaz said...


I was trying to make a blog - but could not find anything clever to write about... I am more a photo-guy myself.

But now, since I dont have a good blog - I will have more time to read YOURS!

Keep it up!


Saintlycvd said...

Writing a blog has nothing to do with being clever, it is just about writing about what you feel like when u feel like it. No mystery. Nothing lost. Nothing gained except from loose journalistic freedom.

Christopher said...

Thanks for the shout out Chris!

...and I couldn't agree with you more on the above comment!

How I Spent the Afternoon.