Monday, December 11, 2006

Bye to my Catch Du Jour

My friend Tim died in his sleep this weekend, right after returning from a two month gig in Hawaii. Sadly I found out in a strange way just this AM, but I had to put his face out into the world at least one more time in my own small way.

Kind of funny....we actually started talking a couple of years ago...went out on some dates....then seemed to lose each other for a year or two.

In the past year we have gone out for coffee, talked about the business, all the things going on in his life(the work, the men, the family, the friends and the travel). He was quite a sweet guy.

Last saw him a couple of months ago while he was getting ready to sublet his apartment so he could go to Hawaii where he would be working for two months. He would pop up with an IM to me at least once a week with "Aloha". My last "Aloha" came this past Friday.

Aloha to you, Tim.
You're my superstar.Thanks to Rosie for the pictures.

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How I Spent the Afternoon.