Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Just a Little Walk

So last week after helping my friend Dave with a little renovating on his place we decided to do Taco Bell for late lunch. Well, since Dave had been inside all day we then decided to take a detour on the way back to his place. Little did we know our detour would take about 2 hours.
We walked to the river, only about 3 blocks and then we said why not walk over to the bridge....then why not over the bridge(neither of us had ever been)...then why not walk around the island (Wards/Randalls Island)...then upon inspection of the island (Insane Asylum and the huge homeless shelter) we said we need to find our way back OFF this island quick. Funny, I knew the bus goes out there because I took the bus to get out there last fall for a Rugby tournament but the first/last stop is the homelss shelter and as we walked past it we saw people in the woods and such. There are no pictures of that because, yeah, the camera-phone went away. The trees and fences are so high out there that we weren't sure which way it was back to the bridge. But, alas, we found our way back just in time because the sky started to grow dark and not long after we were back home the rain started.
Was a nice, unexpected kind of day that you remember.

(All pictures related to this post can be seen by clicking here).


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How I Spent the Afternoon.