Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A Little Something for Me

Okay, so there is nothing little about Ben Cohen but for those of us who don't go for the David Beckham look this is the ultimate you can ask for.

They have been running this picture all over and I thought I would join in, at least it is someone hot to look at for a second in the middle of your work day.

He took off his shirt for Charity but it seems the pants just followed. Hell if I am complaining.

Is It Me or......

are the ads in HX/Next magazine getting much better?

Actually I think this ad is one of the best I have seen in a while. Very timely, very well done and Shequida looks hella good.

Just a Little Walk

So last week after helping my friend Dave with a little renovating on his place we decided to do Taco Bell for late lunch. Well, since Dave had been inside all day we then decided to take a detour on the way back to his place. Little did we know our detour would take about 2 hours.
We walked to the river, only about 3 blocks and then we said why not walk over to the bridge....then why not over the bridge(neither of us had ever been)...then why not walk around the island (Wards/Randalls Island)...then upon inspection of the island (Insane Asylum and the huge homeless shelter) we said we need to find our way back OFF this island quick. Funny, I knew the bus goes out there because I took the bus to get out there last fall for a Rugby tournament but the first/last stop is the homelss shelter and as we walked past it we saw people in the woods and such. There are no pictures of that because, yeah, the camera-phone went away. The trees and fences are so high out there that we weren't sure which way it was back to the bridge. But, alas, we found our way back just in time because the sky started to grow dark and not long after we were back home the rain started.
Was a nice, unexpected kind of day that you remember.

(All pictures related to this post can be seen by clicking here).


I Will Ask Again.......

So I read the stats that come back to me daily on how many people have logged in to view the blog, where they are from (at least where your internet server is) and when, but I still don't know who you are.

I think I would like to have a clue as to those who I can see from the locations check in most days and those who find me by luck or badluck depending on if you like what you read.

So why not drop me an email/comment and let me know who/what/where you are. Who knows, I might be talking about you next.

Crazy Czech-Aussie Boy

Okay, so he is definitely a man but just wanted to say I miss him.
Had so much fun with him when he was here and I know he knows that.
Just sent me an email the other day and it makes me want to go to Australia right now but with my luck just as I got there he would take off for London or Prague or France or South America. The man loves to travel.

Josh, I miss you buddy. Hurry back.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Catch Up - May 2006

Lately in my little notebook I have been jotting down things that I think I might want to blog about. Most of the time things are timely when I write them down and then that list can turn into a couple of weeks worth of topics that I end up having to troll through and just pick things that still make sense.

So lets start at the top of my list: (the bold is what I wrote in the notebook as a reminder, the rest is what I am writing about the topic now)

Survivor – Aras “Yoga Instructor” Hot

So about a month or so ago I turned on the latest season of Survivor. I had heard there was another cute-ish, daddy like Tom from a season back who was holding strong to win. Well, yes, Terri was handsome in that rugged way I instantly fell for Aras. Yes, they did label him as a Yoga Instructor any time they put his name on the screen but between his, now super lean, swimmers build and his cute face I just thought he should win and I had been trying to catch the show as much as possible.
Well last night, Sunday, was the finale for Survivor and he and Danielle were the last two survivors. She had voted Terri off instead of Aras and thanks to her Aras won the million. And even though he was way cute as an islander he cleans up just as well at home. Oh and his brother was a hottie too. Way to go.

Dixie Chicks - “Not Ready to Play Nice”.
Chalk board punishment reads; “to speak without thinking is to shoot without aiming”. A dig at Cheney I suppose.

So my girls are back with a kick ass CD and their first single off it is a response to the spears, arrows and threats logged at them from their previous comments at the president two years ago. The video is very on point. Very Witch hunt, kill the messenger, examine yourself before coming after me kind of thing that makes you wonder exactly what kind of people would threaten a life over comments made from a personal stance. Look for it. If I can find it I will link it to this post.

Hanes Commercial - “Dodgeball” Too friggin hot.
Plain and simple. If you have seen it and I am sure you have then you know it is just simply hot to see these men in their multi-colored Hanes boxers, briefs and boxer briefs running around, jumping from side to side, diving over and under each other. If the commercial ran for 5 minutes I would call it something we need to find on a loop running on the big screen at the local bar.

Ultimate Fighting Challenge- Matt – Deaf Fighter (so cute and sweet) - Team Ortiz

Matt, oh Matt. Flipping through the channels and landed on SpikeTV and the oh so macho Ultimate Fighter Challenge. They were talking about contestants and how the professional Olympic wrestler who happens to be deaf, thought he was so great, a total misunderstanding. He had been joking and people took it wrong. If you could see him just sitting there and speaking you can see such sweetness coming from him and you just want to hang with him and be his “friend”. I wouldn't want to make him made though because you get to see how easily he can pick your ass up, not in a good way, and throw it from one side of the room to the other. Oh Matt.

America's Next Top Model Marathon
Favorite line “You were sick , dehydrated and had food poisoning but you modeled through it.” How funny and sad is that?

I wish I had the ability to get up on an elephant and pose for a great photographer, be in Thailand and come through all of that while dealing with an upset stomach and dehydration. Well let me tell you one of the girls from America's Next Top Model had to do just that. Danielle, the country girl, wasn't feeling well after being in the hospital “for being a little dehydrated, a some body aches and a little food poisoning”. Imagine if she actually had a full case of something to deal with. Well, she left the hospital instead of staying two days and she got up on that elephant and modeled her ass off. Tyra congratulated her for not letting her pain show on her face and “modeling through it”. That is why you have to love this damn show.
Well, you also have to love this show to learn new English words made up by Jade, the bitch of the bunch. She has made so many words up this season that I am sure we will have a whole bunch of girls using them this summer and getting bitch slapped by their English teachers come the fall.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Boy In Bubble

Lincoln Center Tuesday afternoon.
May 2nd 2006.
David Blaine in a water sphere for a week.
Afterwards planning on holding his breath for 9 minutes to break worlds record.
Do we really care?
BUT, I could resist going to get a few pictures.

How I Spent the Afternoon.