Saturday, September 10, 2005


What the fark is it with me and these damn light night posts? The world must be thinking that I have been out partying and all this fabulousity has been happening that I just can post at 2:31am. Well it hasn't. Did nothing tonight but sit here, talk to some friends in Europe and watch some stupid tv.

There are some things that I want to share with you though. Some you might have to do a little reading to gain more information some are rather straightforward and stupid funny.

One is this Quicktime movie I found. Anyone who has spent anytime in the NYC gay ghetto will either love it or hate it. Click here for what I think is a good laugh.

The second is a piece that was written regarding a certain high school-ish situation that is going on between some bloggers, one of which I read, the other is someone who apparently is too PC for words. I have mentioned Rocco on here before because his writings are funny, stupid, crazy and very, very, very un-PC. If this place isn't for being stupid and human than what is it for.

Third is similar to the second. I mentioned the Kathy Griffin: Life on the D-List show in my most recent posts. In one episode she talks about Rene Zelleweger in her act describing her as a “puffy coke whore”. In a later episode Rene sends Kathy, personally, a huge/expensive flower arrangement. The whole episode Kathy wonders what does this mean? Does it mean....lets be friends? Don't fuck with me? Killing you with kindness?
By the end of the episode they had figured that Rene had the upperhand in the situation that was once non-existant.

Just sharing.

Oh, while I am sharing tell me how to get through the movie, “Die, Mommy, Die”. I love Charles Busch but this movie is nothing like “Psycho Beach Party”. That movie rocks. An all-time fave.

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How I Spent the Afternoon.