Friday, September 30, 2005

Just Another Gay Horror Movie???

"Scab" - When a trick turns Ajay into a vampire, he desperately wants to convince his friends to become bloodsuckers too, or kill 'em trying.

That is the tagline for Scab. This new "gay" vampire movie coming out from Standing Room Productions.

I took the liberty of stringing together(through photoshop) the pictures of the cast so you can see that even if the film is bad it should be pretty hot.

And really isn't that what you want? After Hellbent came out I didn't hear about the movie but mostly about Andrew Levitas' body.

Well it is up to you now. Go check out the trailer, the website and look for it coming your way soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey. Thanks for spreading the word about our film. We hope we don't disapoint (too much). It's more of a "Queer Vampire Drama"... (Yes, with hotties!)

World Premiere: Reel Affirmations G&L Film Festival, Washington, D.C., Oct. 21st.

Reeling G&L Film Festival, Chicago, November 6th.

Thanks again and all the best,
Arik Treston
Producer, "Scab"
Standing Room Pictures, LLC

How I Spent the Afternoon.