Friday, June 24, 2005

Moving Over Bacon.....

So it would seem that Abercrombie has hit its stride with most of the gay community of NYC. Is it because the clothes aren't as good anymore, sorry Adam (my teammate who works for Abercrombie - Hello. Hottie!!!!), but I think it is more because they are trying to pull away from the gay commmunity who really put them in the forefront of being popular.

Well we have the new heir to the throne. Aussiebum is coming on hard and in those shorts and such I think that is the idea. I have to say I am loving their stuff. I can see, some if not all of, their stuff on my man also.

Go check them out. Get some stuff and lets create a new, more fun cult of clones...I doubt the straight teenage boys will be getting this stuff.

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How I Spent the Afternoon.