Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Catching You Up.

Wow, I feel as if I haven't really put anything down on here of any significance of late.
Well, it isn't like I spout on and on about anything important but I do like to convey information about what is going on with me and what I have been up to.

So I guess I have to go back a good two weeks. I know I have posted in that time but late me give you the skinny, cause I haven't been getting anything fat. Wink.

Broadway Bares: My first time going to this benefit in the 11 years I have lived here in NYC. It was so much fun. I was disappointed that the tickets said no photography and I had to leave my new camera at home. Next year though, and I will go, I will bring my camera. Everyone had a camera. Digital. Camera Phones. SLR. I think I was the only one walking out without a picture or two. I was able to find two pictures from this year online and they are just below. Between their two shows and donations they raised over $654,000 this year alone. Way to go Jerry Mitchell, creator and Tony winner for the first time this year.

Volleyball: My Urban league team has made the playoffs for the second time in three seasons. Only the top 4 teams get to go to playoffs and we had a lock on it with two weeks still left in the season. I think they take place next week, or maybe tomorrow. I think I should find out. I am the one on the team who has no idea where or when we are playing and go strictly by the email chain. Wish us luck.

Moblog: I have created a photoblog as a place to be able to show some of the fun and better pictures I am taking of late with the new camera. I have posted pictures up there from the past two weeks or so. Go take a look or if you are into it you can get your own. It is nice, you can post from email, the Internet template or from your camera phone.

Pride Weekend: Well again that is pretty much told in pictures. Thanks to Christine, Steven and Ethan for the fun parties that I attended from Friday – Sunday. Parade was okay, nothing special. But the people I hung out with were fun and special and made the day worth it entirely.

Back to the regular week now. Lets see what is going to happen for me now.

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How I Spent the Afternoon.