Thursday, June 30, 2005

Century Planet.

That is the name of one of my favorite songs. Schawn knows this. He has heard it played I do believe a number of times when he has been here.

It is about really being able to "do something" anytime in your life. From leaving an abusive relationship, to going on that dreamed of trek, to telling someone you love them even if it has been from a far for 30 years.

The song starts, “Outside my house is a cactus plant they call the century tree. Only once in a hundred years it flowers gracefully and you never know when it will bloom.”

Well, last week the Century Tree bloomed.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A New Fave....

I have just been loving watching Tony Hayden today in my downtime. Watched some of his Gay Days clips and from Pride also. Go check it out. Too funny. Think you can also donate to his "camera fund" if you love it as much as I do.

Seems like someone you want as a buddy.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Catching You Up.

Wow, I feel as if I haven't really put anything down on here of any significance of late.
Well, it isn't like I spout on and on about anything important but I do like to convey information about what is going on with me and what I have been up to.

So I guess I have to go back a good two weeks. I know I have posted in that time but late me give you the skinny, cause I haven't been getting anything fat. Wink.

Broadway Bares: My first time going to this benefit in the 11 years I have lived here in NYC. It was so much fun. I was disappointed that the tickets said no photography and I had to leave my new camera at home. Next year though, and I will go, I will bring my camera. Everyone had a camera. Digital. Camera Phones. SLR. I think I was the only one walking out without a picture or two. I was able to find two pictures from this year online and they are just below. Between their two shows and donations they raised over $654,000 this year alone. Way to go Jerry Mitchell, creator and Tony winner for the first time this year.

Volleyball: My Urban league team has made the playoffs for the second time in three seasons. Only the top 4 teams get to go to playoffs and we had a lock on it with two weeks still left in the season. I think they take place next week, or maybe tomorrow. I think I should find out. I am the one on the team who has no idea where or when we are playing and go strictly by the email chain. Wish us luck.

Moblog: I have created a photoblog as a place to be able to show some of the fun and better pictures I am taking of late with the new camera. I have posted pictures up there from the past two weeks or so. Go take a look or if you are into it you can get your own. It is nice, you can post from email, the Internet template or from your camera phone.

Pride Weekend: Well again that is pretty much told in pictures. Thanks to Christine, Steven and Ethan for the fun parties that I attended from Friday – Sunday. Parade was okay, nothing special. But the people I hung out with were fun and special and made the day worth it entirely.

Back to the regular week now. Lets see what is going to happen for me now.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Moving Over Bacon.....

So it would seem that Abercrombie has hit its stride with most of the gay community of NYC. Is it because the clothes aren't as good anymore, sorry Adam (my teammate who works for Abercrombie - Hello. Hottie!!!!), but I think it is more because they are trying to pull away from the gay commmunity who really put them in the forefront of being popular.

Well we have the new heir to the throne. Aussiebum is coming on hard and in those shorts and such I think that is the idea. I have to say I am loving their stuff. I can see, some if not all of, their stuff on my man also.

Go check them out. Get some stuff and lets create a new, more fun cult of clones...I doubt the straight teenage boys will be getting this stuff.

Improvements All Around

Do you have any idea how happy I am that Blogger has enabled its users to post pictures directly through there templates instead of having to use Flikr, Hello or Picasso?

Expect to really get to see some great pics from this Fabu weekend in NYC. The weather is supposed to be great, the Pride festivities will be the same but you can count on some great bare chested MEN pictures. Hey, even if I am taken I still get to watch the parade go down the street. Why else are we walking if not to show off our hard earned bodies from hours in the gym? Hello?

Talk to you all soo and I mean soon because I have alot saved up I am supposed to be writing about.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Update II: Long Time Coming

60 years is the sentence for a man who will be bed ridden any day now for the remainder of his, what, maybe 2-3 years on this earth.

Sorry, that isn't justice.

Okay, enough with the heavy stuff. I need to get back to the fun and light. Have almost a weeks worth of small things to post about.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Update: Long Time Coming....

So Edgar Ray "Killer" Killen is found guilty. What will this do for the Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner families?

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Clouds in My Coffee

Update to July 19th, 2005 12: pm Sunday Afternoon

Well, what do I really have to say at this point. Just finished writing about the whole racial disrespect that this country has laden upon its supposed second class citizens, sorry if it wasn't as deep as I promised. And I also gave you some pictures of cute boy (and the two girls) that were left at the MJ Party when I got there.

What else do you want from me?

Perhaps the story behind this picture?

Well, just like any ordinary summery weekend in the park people are out and about. Exercising, playing volleyball, basketball, lounging around, looking at the young Jewish group that gathers every Saturday late afternoon at the northwest part of the Great Lawn.

But today we ALL noticed this guy running suicides out in the grass, then switching it up to just sprints(backwards and forwards), just bending down (more than one needs to) and just when you thought you had seen enough he takes off his shirt.

Well, as I have the new camera that is attached to me at the wrist everyone says take his picture. Okay, the zoom is good but not that good. So I try. My friend Gian says it isn't good enough and since he is about to start working for Ford Models he said, “Well I can use that as a reason to take his picture.”

Gian was running over to the guy just as “the body” was putting his shirt back on. Next thing I know he takes his shirt off for Gian and hands go to hips and BAM, there is your picture. I love Gian for his ballsy ways. But a real scout would have bothered to have gotten the guys name. Gian just came right on back, without even a number.

Last night, Saturday, I went to Brite Bar to meet my friends Pablo and Rob, I think I can say now that they are the other couple I set up. Going well too. But the bar was noisy and neither of them felt good, allergies, both hyped up on Benadryl.

I had also told my friend Steve to join us, which he did, so when we left the bar we headed over to the Eagle, for “a couple of minutes”. 3 hours later we stumbled out, checked in at GYM Bar to see if anyone we knew was there, but doubted it since it was 3am already. Empty. Time for bed.

Wake up, head downtown to Grounded for some coffee and writing like a madman until I head to Central Park.

That brings me to 12:23pm.


Oh, hopefully I can take pictures tonight at Broadway Bares, if so expect some to be posted by mid-day.

Long Time Coming

This article, Repairing Senate's Record on Lynching: 'Long Overdue' Apology Would Be Congress's First for Treatment of Blacks was sent to me today by my ex.

Really makes you think about the past and still the present in a multitude of places here and abroad.

Today we have bias crimes that are tough to prove, mostly bias crimes toward the Arab community and, of course, the gay community which has gone on as long, if not longer than slavery in the US.

To think what it would have been like to be stuck in the middle.

What I would have done 50 or 60 years ago? Gay and black in a time when both things were looked down upon if not scary to be.

Here are a couple of things to check out on the web that will give you something to think about. Some are books, some are sites, some are tv documentaries.

Oh, forget it. I grew tired of trying to write this post weeks ago and possibly I will really dig into it again when I see if this whole “Apology” thing the government is doing really works.

What will the town of Philadelphia, Mississippi tell us in the next week or two? Have things changed or is it all just really a way to satisfy people?

Will putting 85 year old men on trial for lynchings 50 years ago change things? As it is they are being hauled off to the hospital daily during trials because they can't breathe or their heart medication was left at home or damn, they might just be at deaths door.

Will life in prison, starting at 85 or 86, really scare people who have been running free for 50-60 years? I think not. I can accept the apology from the state. If I was a family member of a slain person, back in the day, I think what I would want now is an apology and confession. Set the record straight and be a man and admit what you didn't have the balls to do back then.

If you were so proud of what you did, why the need to hide and lie about it? I do believe that makes you a hypocrite.

Well, wow, seems like I still did have things to say on this subject. Just as I have been lately I am starting out slow and then I get on a slight roll and just keep going.

This did get away from the gay-racial bias angle I started with but take it for what it is. I ramble. I mumble. I have things to say. Hell, I only know of one person who really reads this because no one else ever leaves comments or opinions.

Here are those links I had previously mentioned:

"American Experience: The Murder of Emmett Till"
“Battered city dissects Killen, the past” - Clarion Ledger
Panel: Race relations still social concernSun Herald
Becoming a Man: Half a Life StoryPaul Monette

Saturday, June 18, 2005


Okay, so MJ being allowed to skate was a really bad reason to have a party but isn't any excuse to see your friends at a party good enough.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Forgive Me

but I had on Fox News for a moment and heard this story.

Just cracked me up so much I had to post it. Sadly they don't have the pictures up they showed on the news report.

Beauty Beatdown.

You know they can f***up your hair but bodily harm, DAMN.

He is my DUMBASS of the Week.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

What's On the Menu?

They say this is the new way to let your nutritionist in on your daily menu. It took so long to get the light right for this I am sure I burned a couple of calories just taking this picture.

I wanted salad but the spinach I had in the refrigerator had gone bad, boo hoo. Off to the supermarket today I guess.

Sunday, June 12, 2005


So between last night and about 2 minutes ago I received updates from the two friends, actually my two best friends, who I set up on a date.

I had introduced them both last year. But both were going through big changes in their lives, but each conveyed to me his interest in the other.

So now that both are here in NYC, one in Morningside Heights and the other out on Long Island I thought it was time for the actual putting them together.

So date was Friday. Morningside Heights(MH) went out to Long Island (LI) for the date. Dinner and conversation. LI drove MH back to the city, then returned to LI. Yes, they kept it clean.

Last night was talking to LI. Smitten. Was so happy. Still walking on air. Can't wait for their next date. Being careful.

Just finished talking to MH. Smitten. Had a great time. Couldn't say enough nice things about LI. Hopes their next date will be soon. Cautious.

Sounds like they are both on the same track.

LI has met Schawn. MH hasn't. MH suggested a double date on Schawn's return. He has yet to be able to give an assesment of Schawn, but he does think Schawn has killer eyes.

Funny. Sitting here thinking about my friends and come to find out that this world is indeed very small.

Last week I hooked up two friends. Then found out that one of those friends is starting to see someone I used to see.

Actually, make that two friends who are dating people I used to see.

But, gladly, I could confirm what great guys they all are. Does that make sense?

I have some good friends.

Okay, time for the park before any rain can return.


to see this one. Murderball.
Another feel good movie. A different feel good movie than Mad Hot Ballroom, but still something to see.

What is it with me and indie movies lately?

Pussycat, Pussycat....

Talking to Schawn earlier today while I was downloading music.

Couldn't think of the music that the Pussycat Girls, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu and Cameron Diaz danced to in Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle.

I knew the song was hot. The dancing was sexy and playful.

What was that song? Did a search.

Henry Mancini's "Pink Panther Theme", but in a techno remix.

HOT. Listened to it while walking to the park, twice, and that is only a 5 block walk up and 4 blocks over.

If you want a song that is familiar but remixed to a totally hot shake your thing in that slow dirty way then look for this track.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Word of the Day:


God I love that word and use it quite often. But in reference to someone not directly at them.

Someone Stop Me.

I can't stop posting.

Actually working on a relevent life post but giving you fluff for now until I get it right. Not really about my life but life in general for many of us.

Watching Picture Perfect on BRAVO with Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Bacon and Jay Mohr.

Will someone tell me why she was so stuck up on Kevin Bacon? He is a skank in this movie and as soon as Jay Mohr came in she should have just fallen for him.

Something about this guy, I always thought so. Funny, naughty, sexy, hairy.

She was a fool to wait so long but then again if she didn't wait until the end of the 90 some-odd minutes it would be just a short student film.

I Hope That Is Rent-A-Cop.

Found this video today. Billie Jean.

Funny and his little break as enough to say it was a stress breaker but not a waste or our tax dollars.

Stormy and Captivated

Sitting around.

Freshly showered after playing volleyball in Central Park.

Looking out the window at the gray, foggy storm that has swept into town.
Ashamed to be pulled into the reality that is Strip Search.
Okay, I am not ashamed because I can tell you I will be watching this show most every time it comes on.

If you have seen the show you have to love Johnny. Such a mess but he will keep the craziness going in the show. Once he is gone I do believe the fun will be over.

I wonder if MTV's Real World/Road Rules: Inferno II is on today?

Okay, this rain needs to stop because I am supposed to be in CT tomorrow for a grass vball tournament.

Oh, but I will say I will never watch Kept. That is just trash, sorry if you like it.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Summer is Almost Here.

Wow. If you were in NYC for this past weekend you are probably still wiping yourself down from the heat that greeted you as you left your building.

I am not going to be like some and proclaim that summer has arrived because we know that just a week ago we were chilly and wearing sweatshirts and such.

Weekend was fun though.

Saturday, after waking up way too early and trying to go back to sleep I ended up in Central Park, as planned and played volleyball for about 6 hours. Not sure what was in me except the alcohol but I was playing like a demon and jumping high on that swing, but then again I do prefer to play in the heat than in a cool environment. Went back Saturday night and just chilled all night. Went to sleep early and woke up early again on Sunday.

Sunday though I was able to get back to sleep.

Sat around. Then went to the park late. Was about 90 degrees so I only played a couple of games before it was just nasty out. Walked around the park with my friend Gian then we both went home to get ready to go to Hiro later that night.

Hiro was cool. The greenhouse section was basically a sauna so most people were in the open air section which made it more than crowded.

Introduced some friends to one another and then after confirming to each that the other was a good guy, in private of course, they took off together for a fun night of summer-like sexy fun. Felt like such the pimp, but really I was just the facilitator.

Gave the rest of my free drink tickets to my friend Josh and I went home.

Hot week ahead.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

La Conseguenza di Amore

The weekend started early for me on Friday. I mean it started around 11am. Let me explain.

I had been promising to have lunch with my ex for weeks so I could see his new loft in the South Bronx. Now being somewhat of a Manhattan snob and having heard the history of the South Bronx I was not too much in a rush to go there. Then I found out that he is just on the other side of a foot bridge across the Harlem River it was no problem to go over.

We agreed on Friday brunch and I would go to the Italian Film Festival with him to view a movie, La Conseguenza di Amore (The Consequence of Love).

I get to the new place, which I loved and saw it was basically a loft building that is being populated by a lot of the type of people who moved out of Manhattan for lower priced, up and coming areas.

We ordered breakfast. He won't cook in the new place because until he can redo the kitchen he hates the stove and counter and so forth. Hey, he is Italian after all, but I will say he is the type who can cook a dinner from nothing.

While we waited we had our first drink and coffee.

Food came we had our second drink. Vodka and mango juice. Strange combo because the mango is so thick that they don't mix that well. But it was sweet and it was nice.

We finally left to go to Lincoln Center. Stopped in, got the tickets and still had an hour to spare so he wanted to get a drink. We went and he ordered two martinis. I had never had one till that day and now I know why. Boy did that send me for a loop, but it relaxed me greatly and I ended up sitting very relaxed in that theater chair for the movie.

Strange movie. No one seemed to like it. Pretentious.

One thing in the movie did make me think though. Rather early into the film a man was talk and walked into a sign. That brought back a memory for a couple of years ago.

We were in Ft Lauderdale for a volleyball tournament and we were walking down the street and there were about 7 of us and as we were all talking and laughing my friend Andrew walked straight into a street sign. We had such a great time that weekend and couple of days after since we all went to Miami after until Wednesday.

Sad reality: Andrew committed suicide two years ago this summer. He was a sweet guy who had his problems. I will never forget him.

Okay, sorry for that. Memories come back fast and I just tend to write them as them come.
So after the movie we went over to his office to pick up another Italian reporter who was going to go for drinks, yes again and then come with us to the 9pm movie.

We went and had our drinks, just one a piece and decided it was too late to get back by 9 so we all skipped the movie and went our separate ways.

I went home. Fell asleep on the couch and woke up at 6:15am. Damn, I don't even wake up this early on a normal day, what am I doing up this early on a Saturday.

I will say for all the drinking there was not any sign of a hangover. Think that could be because I don't drink hard that often.

It was a nice day, memories and all.

How I Spent the Afternoon.