Friday, December 11, 2009

Winter Freeze

Drip, drip, drip, sniff.

Yes, that would be the sound my nose makes as I come in the door after walking from the subway a mere two blocks away. It is so cold outside, a rip roaring 21F degrees, that I seriously considering not going out for the entire weekend.  Haha, I know that is impossible as I have to be over near Terminal 5 in Manhattan in an hour or so. Best thing about that is Terminal 5 is basically on the Hudson River so not only will it be cold but the wind off the river should basically snap me in half.

I really shouldn’t complain not when I can go to the GAP and get sweaters for 50% off or maybe get a new coat.  My winter coat from last year was hardly used and the shell isn’t even at my house.

Hey B, I need to get that back from you sometime soon; I am sure it is stuffed in your closet somewhere. I know you will read this eventually.

Not much to do this holiday season and I think that could be a good thing, but damn I get another year older next Tuesday and have a company holiday party on the same night. I say this; if it is 21 degrees comes Tuesday night I will not be out in the freezing air ice skating. I promise you that.

I think I am doing another post later today so keep an eye out for it.

Photos were taken last week (2 different days) at The Pond @ Bryant Park.

Posted via email from Christopher's posterous

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How I Spent the Afternoon.