Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Sunday's Season Tournament

This past Sunday, January the 6th, was the bi-annual Gotham Volleyball Season tournament.

It is basically the culmination of the entire season with your placement at the end of the season determining your seed/placement in who and when your team played.

My team had won the season with a record of 10-2; so we were the first seed and played the last place team.

We won our first match in 2 games. All matches are best 2 out of 3.

We won our second match in 2 games.

We won our third match in 3 games, I think we fell asleep a little in the match and just needed to wake up.

In our last match, which were the finals, repeated our second match as they won their way back through the losers bracket to play us.

We won that match in 3 games.

Not sure how much fun it is when you are expected to win. This is the same as last season but I do have to say my team this season was a lot more fun, even though people assumed that with the level that had returned it would be all drama and screaming.

We had fun, we had known each other for years in and out of volleyball and everyone and I mean EVERYONE pulled their own weight. There were no superstars needed, even though we could easily have had one or two if we had needed to play that way.

They are a great bunch and I hope that we can find a way to get that team together to play again somewhere.

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How I Spent the Afternoon.