Monday, January 28, 2008

Have I Gone Too Far????

Come on he did win it all and it isn't often my favorite actually wins. He will stay my favorite because I love his energy, attitude and his humor.

Reality Life Saving/Ruining TV

With this spurt, make that a spew, of reality shows that are hitting the air in the wake of the writers strike I have to admit I have watched some.

Lets take it from the top:
The Biggest Loser.
I started watching this in a marathon they had last month and now I am kinda hooked. This is the kind of reality show I can get behind because people are competing to make their lives better. Healthier, happier and last of all wealthier. And I have to say it isn't like they are winning that much money. I especially love this couples idea; we all need encouragement when making changes.

The Moment of Truth.
Bryan and I watched this last week after returning from volleyball. I had sworn I would watch it once and not more than that, but I think I might have to watch the second week since they only got through one person and had just started another person. And I have to say the second person who would return in the next episode was much more interesting than the first. Hair plugs, gambling problems and in the future episode there was a question of smuggling. Hmmm, interesting.

You all know I love my Project Runway, Top Chef, Kathy Griffin, American's Next Top Model, Make Me A Supermodel. There is nothing better than to keep them all jammed into your DVR player and on a bad day just turn them on and laugh at the silliness that people will do to be on tv.

But my heart does go out to the people on The Biggest Loser. Those people are working their buts to the bone.

Don't Cry For Me Ricky....

Oh I love Heidi Klum, on Project Runway, and she summed it all up for me by asking this question to Ricky:

"What's up with you?"

Why did she ask this? Because he was crying yet AGAIN.

And just to be clear I think she thought it was more of a mental thing since he cries every episode.

Thanks to Project RunGAY for the caption

Friday, January 25, 2008

How Happy Does that Make Me?

Very happy first thing in the AM.
I will be catching this match later this afternoon.
I can't wait.


I knew he would beat Federer and make it to the finals. Should be a very interesting final. Very interesting and fun.

Do you want the corn?

Well how else would you ice that knee?
You clearly didn't want the peas or string beans.

Wait, how do we keep that bag on the knee?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Is it Really Necessary???

So this morning as I am going through my usual array of blogs and websites I see one that is a daily read and it sent a chill through me.

And it wasn't anything good.

We all know about the death of Heath Ledger yesterday afternoon, that is a given.
We know he was found in a Soho apartment in NYC.
We know there was a big investigation.
We know the body has to be moved by the coroner's office.

But do we need to see two, not one, but two pictures of the body bag on the gurney being wheeled out of the building to the van?

This site is the only site I have seen all day to feature these pictures.

I often like this blog, but I have actually left comments on it when I think this person, who considers himself a journalist, goes too far in my opinion.

Since blogs are about opinions and we often go off of comments left for us; I think he has gone too far yet again.

Not sure anymore where some tact comes into 'reporting'.


My whipped iced dairy drink brings the attentions of many males to my place of residence and/or employment, and they declare that its quality far surpasses that of yours. Absolutely, it far surpasses yours. I could convey to you the proverbial recipe, but I would have to demand compensation.
Now that is how I would have sung the song....actually found this online but thought it was just too cute so I had to post it.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I Am Finally Seeing It.

No, I really am starting to see what everyone is going crazy about.

Or is it just this picture that I think has him looking great while off doing good work for UNICEF.

Not really sure what he is doing there, looks more like he will be reffing a fight. One in which in a term of events the fighters will be clothed and the ref (Mr Beckham) is to remain shirtless.

Just Breaking News in NYC: Heath Ledger Found Dead in Apartment

Just turned on the news and this was the breaking news coming from lower Manhattan.

They say suspected drug overdose but not sure.

Two in a week, creepy.


NEW YORK - Heath Ledger was found dead Tuesday at a downtown Manhattan residence in a possible drug-related death, police said. He was 28.

According to WNBC, Ledger was found with pills strewn all around him.

NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said Ledger had an appointment for a massage at the Manhattan apartment believed to be his home. The housekeeper, who went to let Ledger know the masseuse was there, found him unconscious at approximately 3:30 p.m. ET, according to the New York Times. After receiving no response from the actor after shaking him, they called authorities.

Monday, January 21, 2008

That's So Gay

So I was chatting with Schawn recently when I found out what is clearly the gayest thing about me: my ipod play list.

Now I have 8 playlists but one is super cute and the other is just pure gay and I love it.

The super cute on; Disney.
Part of Your World
Colors of the Wind
A Whole New World (both versions)
One Jump Ahead
Reflections (Christina A.)
And how can u not love a bunch of disney songs from the last 10-15 years or so. Mostly Aladdin and a little bit of Mulan, Pocahantas and Little Mermaid.

The super gay one; Runway.

I Got It From My Mama
Get Me Bodied
Sexyback (Dirty version)
Whatever U Like
Way I Am
Freedom '90
Free Your Mind
Faster Kill Pussycat (Britney Murphy/Paul Oakenfold)
Shut Up & Drive
Good Luck
Lady Marmelade
Hey Mr. DJ
Wait a Minute
Don't Stop the Music
When I Get You Alone
Gimme More

No, they are not all hard stomping songs but there is enough attitude there to get me from Murray Hill to Columbus Circle, down to Chelsea and back without missing a beat or a step.

My friend and teammate Claire went through the playlists at last weeks team dinner and told me she could so believe that they were mine and also that I had to send her all the Disney songs for her Nano.

So aside from who I love that is probably the gayest thing about me, unless someone out there thinks they know something else that would take that title?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Stuck in the Big Lonely, Smoking Apple.

Around 6:21pm Thursday night I was texting my friend Ren who was somewhere in midtown to tell him I was heading down to the volleyball gym.

At 6:22pm I received a call asking me where I was and could I get over to the movies at 42nd and 8th by 6:30 for a movie screening?

"What movie?"


"I will be there as fast as I can."

I got to the movie theater by 6:40 on the L train. That is the quickest I have gotten anywhere going across town in this city.

We got in, the movie started like a minute or two beforehand. We hadn't missed anything it was clear.

Not going into any kind of details, since it literally comes out in a few hours, but I will say I liked the idea. Now if it was me in the situation I don't know if I would do what the characters did but you can't fault them in under the circumstances.

My one HUGE problem with the movie was the locations they used. They went from being on Spring Street to being at 59th street in what seems like moments while walking in a dark tunnel and then they leave said building, in the middle of what is craziness, to exit out pretty much next to Grand Central.

Being in NYC for 13 years, hell be here for a week, you know that locations in the city need to be respected. With no public transportation, cars, cabs or whatever this can be a slow city.

Now I also recently, in the past week, watched "I AM LEGEND".

This movie gave me NYC. Gave me all kinds of locations and I loved seeing the desolation of it all.

These two movies made me think one thing; NYC is really a sitting duck for whatever comes our way. We are an island and it only take moments to cut us off totally from the rest of the world. I am not talking communications, I mean isolated totally alone on this island because there is no way off.

That was the scariest things to me from these movies.

Makes me rethink that move to Montana people tell me often I should make; you know 'because I don't really like people'.


Wait, that was laughing in a very uncomfortable way.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Enough Said.....almost.

I think he is a good singer but I think I would rather sit through every crazy person auditioning for the new season of American Idol than see him in Spamalot.

I mean every screecher, whiner, stalker, drag queen, nut case they show in those auditions.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mr. President....

The last few days your face just looks so confused.

I have been laughing everytime I see you walking in the desert, carrying a sword or watching those 'strange' natives dance.

I think it best you come home before you get us into more trouble.

Besides I believe they have already said no to what you asked for.

Australian Open 2008

Lets keep an eye on my two guys; Marat Safin and Novak Djokovic.
There weren't any good pics of Marat from his opening match but found these great ones of Novak, who I have posted about before.

A Touch of Color....

Not sure who might notice the change but thought some better colors would be nice for titles, links and visited links.

Never hurts to change up even the smallest thing.

Things in the Men's Room...

So depending on where you are when you read this post it maybe something new or something old and dated to you.

A couple of weeks ago I saw one of those Dyson commercials, but this time it was not for one of their uber-cool vacuums but for a ‘revolutionary’ hand drying system.

Everything with them is a system.

Commercial was fast and I wasn’t on the tv with the dvr when I saw it so it came and went, but I did get the gist of the idea.

Cool. Yeah, it seemed cool.

About a week after I was walking around just after the holidays when I had the urge to stop into a public restroom. I was near Time Warner Center so I figured where better to stop because after I could get a coffee.

So I pop up to the 2nd floor to use the men’s room when as I walk in , low and behold, on the wall is the Dyson Airblade.

I hurry and do what needs to be done and get to washing my hands. I couldn’t wait to try this out.

And it works just as promised. It worked so well that I used it twice.

It is really loud though.

20 Bucks?????

Just so that my iPod Touch can add the most standard of apps?


If that is the case I might as well just stick with all the web apps that I can use, but then of course I have to be on a wifi network to use them.

But really? Will having mail, weather, stocks and maps make that much of a difference?

Nah, I don't think so.

Plus, the $20 is only if you have a unit already; if you go buy one it will come included.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Oh Celebrity life....

Last week, yes it is another last week event, I was walking through the West Village heading up Hudson Street. I reached an area known for the tour buses to take a break and let off their gawkers for a walk around and of course for some cupcakes at Magnolia Bakery.

Funny to me how New Yorkers pretty much let celebs live among us and don't really pay that much attention, but can you imagine living so close to one of these stops that you practically feel you have to run home.

Well this particular day I was practically run down my a Ms Julianne Moore as she was trying to cross the street before she was recognized. But really, how can you not recognize her. She is as fabulous in person as she is on film.

Just a little taste of NY for you guys.
Nothing spectacular, just life on the street.

Too Cute...

So last week I was getting on the elevator with a father and his young son, I don't know maybe he was 3 or 4 years old. He was too cute.

After the son hit the button for their floor I hit the button for mine. It so happens they are one floor above me.

The son goes, "Daddy, he is right next to us."

The father said, "No, he is just below us."

Obviously you know the son was looking at the numbers on the board and seeing that my number was next to his and not thinking necessarily in floors of the building.

The precious part was when the elevator opened to an empty hallway and the son looked out and said, "There is no one there?"

The father said, "They must have hit both the up and down button, maybe they were in a hurry."

Then the son said, "Maybe it was a villain?"

I don't care how cold hearted you are, but if you had been there you would have broken out in such a grin, such as I did, that you just couldn't help thinking that was the sweetest thing you would hear all week.

Look for those sweet moments around you.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Facebook Friend and Mr Gay Ireland???

Well it is true and I am just finding out myself.

My poke buddy, if you are on Facebook you know what I mean, Barry is apparently Ireland's contestant for International Mr Gay 2008.

I stumbled upon this fact as I was reading one of my favorite blog/sites out of France, OhLaLa Mag.

Apparently Oh La La Mag is hosting the online voting competition to decide the winners. You can log on daily and vote for your favorite. Well, I should say every 24hours. The best part is there is no need to register at all.

So stop on in, check out the site and then click the banner at the top to take you to the page of contestants, or you can just click here and I will do it for you.

Good Luck Barry, not that you will need it.

On another note, my friend Josh who I have known for a quite a few years now is currently the runner-up for Mr Gay USA. But as we all know, should the winner be unable to complete his/her duties the runner-up will take his/her place.

Not saying I am hoping for a scandal to his Mr Gay USA but would be nice to see Josh get his chance.

Just look at him, and yes, he is just as sweet and nice as he is hot.

Sadly he just told me that he will probably be moving to LA, contest or not. I will miss my boo.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Not to Be Missed

Finally, let's see just how good this is going to be.

Can it beat the silliness of my last guilty pleasure "America's Most Smartest Model"?

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Sunday's Season Tournament

This past Sunday, January the 6th, was the bi-annual Gotham Volleyball Season tournament.

It is basically the culmination of the entire season with your placement at the end of the season determining your seed/placement in who and when your team played.

My team had won the season with a record of 10-2; so we were the first seed and played the last place team.

We won our first match in 2 games. All matches are best 2 out of 3.

We won our second match in 2 games.

We won our third match in 3 games, I think we fell asleep a little in the match and just needed to wake up.

In our last match, which were the finals, repeated our second match as they won their way back through the losers bracket to play us.

We won that match in 3 games.

Not sure how much fun it is when you are expected to win. This is the same as last season but I do have to say my team this season was a lot more fun, even though people assumed that with the level that had returned it would be all drama and screaming.

We had fun, we had known each other for years in and out of volleyball and everyone and I mean EVERYONE pulled their own weight. There were no superstars needed, even though we could easily have had one or two if we had needed to play that way.

They are a great bunch and I hope that we can find a way to get that team together to play again somewhere.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Year's Fun

Sorry just one picture because I never took my camera out....but while I was downtown in the Financial District at my friend Ben's party I learned I am not such a party boy anymore.

Well, maybe I like to party when I want; not because the day calls for it.

Ted didn't like the first picture so we had to take another, so Mark cut him out of the original picture.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Stuff for All

I have about 10 topics saved to my desktop and I am trying to get through them all and put them in to their proper dates so go back to the day BEFORE Christmas to see all the current posts from today.

Sorry for making you go back down the page but I am trying to put them into the blog in order of when they happened.

Believe me I am pumping them out today.

New Header Picture

Early December I had edited down a photo from my Facebook/Blog/Podcast friend, Trunk Guy. I, of course, asked before I did it not wanting any creative licensing problems.

Here is the cropped photo:
Here is the real photo beforehand:
Then last week or so, after the holidays I thought it was time to take down the pretty photo and start with something fresh and a little darker for the rest of the holidays.

Damien Hirst has a display up in the lobby of the Lever House
on Park Avenue. I had no idea when I walked over to photograph the lobby; I usually stop in to see what new displays they have up. Here is the link to another lobby display from the past.

Here is the current header for my blog:
Here is the original I took about a week and a half ago:
I started doing this last summer and I think I will keep changing the header, gives me a purpose when out looking at shots but usually I can take pictures and then find the header within later on.

Blah, blah, blah.

How I Spent the Afternoon.