Saturday, December 29, 2007

Alone 4 Holidays

How many of you had to go home for the holidays because ‘you were expected at home’?

I was sitting at home, glad to be alone for the holidays with peace in mind as people ran all over the globe to sit with their family and then get on IM later in the evening wishing they were back home relaxing.

Now I do know many people who just went and hung out with friends and I did that before Xmas and after, but I like to take that one day and really just do what I want to do; as Mr. Carp would say, “All alone.”

And if you don’t know who Mr. Carp then don’t ask. Okay, maybe my international readers can ask….and my str8 friends. Haha

I hope those of you that I didn’t speak with over Xmas did have a joyous time with those you love/hate/ignore.

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How I Spent the Afternoon.