Saturday, December 29, 2007

Alone 4 Holidays

How many of you had to go home for the holidays because ‘you were expected at home’?

I was sitting at home, glad to be alone for the holidays with peace in mind as people ran all over the globe to sit with their family and then get on IM later in the evening wishing they were back home relaxing.

Now I do know many people who just went and hung out with friends and I did that before Xmas and after, but I like to take that one day and really just do what I want to do; as Mr. Carp would say, “All alone.”

And if you don’t know who Mr. Carp then don’t ask. Okay, maybe my international readers can ask….and my str8 friends. Haha

I hope those of you that I didn’t speak with over Xmas did have a joyous time with those you love/hate/ignore.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

2nd Chances....

Or should I say 2nd, 3rd, 4th and sometimes 5th chances?

This is the year that I learned that I can be too hard on myself and on others.

I was blessed to be given a 4th chance in one case and it is one I will not be screwing up again. We shall leave it at that.

As for others; I was always the person who, if you hurt me, I could/would easily cut you out of my life no matter how much it hurt me.

Well I have learned that maybe talking and working through the problems is a lot easier and you never know what kind of friend you will get out of it. If not a friend; then at least you will have piece of mind with the situation.

Sorry, this does not apply to politicians.

Monday, December 24, 2007

iPod Touch

Merry Christmas.
I got an iPod Touch for Christmas.
And now I just have to get the computer back on Windows XP to use it to its full extent.

Went and got the protective covers and left on the screen film to protect it.
I do need to go get the sheets to protect the screen though.

I am loving it.

8GB and still have about 4GB of space left. But I have pictures, music, videos and television shows on it already. All that I need.

Plus it is wireless and a good browser, except that it does not do Flash.

What Next? A pipe bursts? Ceiling falls in? Another person at the door?

Thought this was a very funny and, not until I saw it, very true.

As the World Turns currently has the one gay couple on daytime television and it is funny, and sad, just how every time they look like they are about to kiss or just start to they are constantly interrupted.

More Than A Week.....

I need an update badly.
Been a good week.
I will write more later.


Friday, December 14, 2007

Weekends Of Ole'

Tree Trimming Uptown Style

Coaching Volleyball

Little shopping(maybe)
Then free to rest after 7pm for rest of the weekend.

Oh Pete, Cook Me Some Food..

So as I read my many blogs and sites I do daily I ran across a banner ad for Randy Blue Ripped.
Pete is somewhat of a body builder/personal trainer who along with many video training sessions and photo sets also gets into nutrition for different diets and such.

Seemed like a cool guy so I thought I would give him a mention.

Here he is getting ready to give you two different options for Turkey Meatloaf.

Check out the site for different ideas.

Oh yeah, almost everything is done shirtless or in briefs.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I just like to say thanks to all involved when I have had a great day, evening, night....whatever.

I got to hang yesterday and last night with some people I really do care about. Doing not much more than nothing.

Oh yeah, volleyball on ESPNU both Wednesday and Thursday night. the DVR is set. I hope there is enough room, I might end up saving just the best matches so I can still record my "View", "ANTM" and "Project Runway".

Sorry for the randomly sporadic updates and I will try and do more regularly scheduled updates. Probably not daily but it will get back there come the new year.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Sex and the City Film trailer

Sex and the City Film trailer
Video sent by yom_

Ah, it looks okay...and I am expecting alot.

Another Crazy Saturday Night....

So once I dragged my tired ass home from volleyball this past Saturday night, ate and had time to relax it was 11pm.

So there was once one party on my schedule for Saturday night. It started at 8pm but I am always late to these parties so I knew I could show up at 11:30 with no problem. Claire's Hotel Bash was the spot to make.

Had a great time with all those above and not pictured but mostly with those pictured. Hey, who knew str8 parties split into two camps (those watching the PPV fight and those talking volleyball/Bravo reality) could get along. Haha.

Actually no one talked to the PPV Fight people. They all left when the fight was over.

Onto Christmas.

Monday, December 03, 2007

I Really Shouldn't Post this....

and believe me I did not think I would have fun at anything but the sporty Wii games but all of it was fun. I think I could sit there with Marble Madness and just go crazy.

As you can see in the video though I loved the tennis. Really easy to learn what to do but not easy to always DO IT.

Half of us had never touched a game since Nintendo 64, the other half play it all the time.

That's HOT. I can say that since my Wii character was Paris H, as created by Ewerton.

December 2nd (5-10:45pm)

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Enrique Iglesias - Tired Of Being Sorry

Enrique Iglesias - Tired Of Being Sorry
Video sent by Enrique-Iglesias

So I thought when I saw this was online I would see the models from America's Next Top Model.

If you watch the show you would know they had a challenge regarding performing in this video.

Two girls, Lisa and Heather, were featured in very clear scenes.

Just watched this and not one of the girls is in it. All have been replaced.

Guess not even one of them was good enough.

Made me laugh and a little sad.

First Snowfall

Oh, we knew it was coming and now we are getting our first real snowfall.

I don't like the snow.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Mia & Celine

So Michael, who ended up on a boys weekend in Las Vegas with a friend after a visit to Los Angeles, emailed me this AM about their shows from last night.

They did "O". I didn't expect too much, seen one seen them all for me. He liked it I guess.
But they highlight was a Ms Celine Dion and he said, "Celine was great. Amazing she could keep the energy up after 5 yrs. Each song was like a live music video complete with dancers (about 40 of them) and changing backdrops like a broadway show. Quite amazing."

Now I knew it was going to be good but I had no idea that the highlight would be him running into Ms Mia Michaels from "So You Think You Can Dance" and just plain ol' choreography fame.

I have loved everything I have seen her choreograph and I will continue to. She is magic and an artist and a breath of fresh air when you need it. Wow, I never gush about anyone like this.
Guess I really think she is "the poo".

World AIDS Day 2007

Strange to have a day when we try to celebrate the knowledge and medical advances on something but not be able to say "Happy" before it.

Happy World AIDS Day? Seems backwards to me, I guess that is why we don't say it.

Seems like if anything we just have this day as a big media event so people can pat themselves on the back and still turn a blind eye. That goes for the everyday person who has become complacent with what they do in and out of the bedroom.

As someone who was in grammar school when AIDS came to be; it was always at the forefront of what I heard and that was "Protect Yourself, Stay Safe".

I have lived by that for the past 25years or so. Okay, so really only for the past 19 years. I was not having any kind of relations before then but it was always in my head and yes fear made me protect myself.

Times like this I think fear is a good thing. Fear of losing your life. Fear of relying on a mix of drugs to give you a life which you really don't want.

I know that today these drugs are amazing but you are chained to timed pill taking, trials of drugs, side effects and always the fear that some little bug could come and knock you on your ass for no reason.

I am afraid and I am not afraid to say it.

I am afraid that AIDS is not considered a deadly virus anymore. It is.
I am afraid that people don't care anymore; just read about the whole crystal meth campaign.
I am afraid of how the country has become complacent with dealing with protecting themselves.
I am afraid that with these drugs people do not stand up and fight as much as they used to because it is not so easily detected. Seems that know if you seem healthy why fight and let people know.

But I do know that I control my life and what happens to me.

How I Spent the Afternoon.