Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Fun, Fun, Fun....

So Monday afternoon I emailed one of the guys I coach and asked him to join me up in Central park afterwork so that he can get in a little extra playing time on the courts. And if you haven't heard me speak of it before, I play up behind the MET most days I can with a group that I have known for years. Just pick up volleyball games.

He said he would come up from downtown quickly after work because he had his Vespa scooter with him. Now, I don't know anyone with a Vespa besides delivery people.

Anyway, he came up on a day when not many people showed up but we did get in a few games of 4's and then a set or two of doubles. Was good for him and he said he had a great time. He has alot of potential, hell he is Italian and used to play in school. He is just out of practice but he will move up in levels pretty quick if I have anything to say about it.

So as we are leaving he said he was parked down on 5th and I walked him down as I usually walk him, weather permitting.

He said hop on and pulled out a second helmet.

Let me tell you; if you have never ridden on one then do it. If you can afford to buy one then buy it. It was so much fun and a great ride.

Funny thing is after he dropped me off and then zipped down 2nd avenue all I could think was, "I want one."

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How I Spent the Afternoon.