Friday, January 19, 2007

Help Me Out Here....

It is the time again for me...I need some NEW MUSIC. Or should I say I am looking for some new suggestions for songs are artists that I might not usually listen to.

I don't listen to the radio and VH1 and MTV only show music really late at night, I think it is actually around 3pm for VH1.

So here is a little challenge. I like all forms of pop, soundtrack, some rock, some hip-hop. Love those ballads (Josh Grobin/James Blunt), but also love upbeat stuff you can listen to at the gym. Not so much into the house because I love my vocals, but I listen to DJ Bravehounds mixes for house when I want a change.

So fill up the comments section with people I might have long forgotten about or new people who are under the wire. Or maybe even just some song titles that you forget about but when you hear them you just want to get up and dance and sing.



Anonymous said...

Hi, Chris
I try to share with you my last lovely music. We know everyone has the one taste and it depends on today’s mood.

I would recommend to listen to:

Keaton Simons ( all songs)

As far as James Blunt’s stile is concerned, It would be:

Jason Darling-Settling Dust (2006)
Joseph Arthur - Nuclear Daydream 2006

For blue mood, probably, something middle between jazz and African ethnic music (cool!):
Cheikh Lo

Richard Bona

If you interesting in great fresh house dance mix (I prefer mixes) I would recommend compilations of Russian dj Max Ruby. (just try it once :0)

Download: PROMO MIX JANUARY 2007

Then soundtrack for movie Shortbus [OST], the song of Scott Matthew – Language and the others Scott Matthew’s songs in this movie.

These songs I’m listening last time. Let me know if you have a problem to find this music. I can share with you mp3 via e-mail with my pleasure.
Probably these names are not discovery for you. I try to find for your taste thmth special in my computer :-D


Baiaz said...

Hi Chris
A great group is Royksopp.
My favorite from this group at this moment is: What else is there (love the vocals here)

Lift me (Madrugada feat. Ane Brun)

It is both calm songs - that i Guess you have not heard before. Norwegian music.

It all depends what you like. Also - if you have msn I can mail them over.. or send them by mail!

Matthew said...

OK Christopher, I'm finally getting around to checking out your blog, and of course you already know to expect a whole bunch of new music from me next week. Now that I've read what you currently like/listen to, I have NO CLUE how much of what I'm gonna send you, you'll like. We'll find out!

How I Spent the Afternoon.