About a week ago I finally went to see "The Devil Wears Prada". Okay, so I knew I would love this movie as soon as it came out, but being me I will wait and wait until it is just about to leave the theatres because I hate crowds.
So finally one Saturday night, a good month or so after it had come out Michael and I went to catch it. Think it was like a 9:30 show. Same weekend "Snakes on a Plane" came out. Only two screens at this place so there were two quite different crowds going inside.
Trailers all looked good. Movie was fantastic. They even had the song they play at the end of "So You Think You Can Dance". You know, the song they play when they kick you off and the song is part of your goodbye reel. Loved it. Loved it. Loved it.
So back to the reason for this post.
In the past week I have had two dreams all about fashion. I am not sure if it was from some influences from the movie or the fact that I don't miss an episode of Project Runway but it was nice.

Who am I kidding? I probably saw the chair in the new Crate and Barrel catalog that just came.
Wow, I haven't rambled on like that for a while. See what happens when I look back at old posts from last year around this time. I get crazy and forget how to write. I start sending emails to people I don't even talk to anymore. I get hopeful again for new things.
Well, I won't be writing like this style much anymore, I have learned how to clean it up without editing it. Reaching out to people from the past isn't bad, I hope. And hope is always a good thing.