Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Oh Those Gay Weddings....

I am just sitting here watching my latest station of choice, Bravo. After a night of Project Runway(I love Nick Verreos to death) and a cute Queer Eye about a nude calendar for charity I am now watching Party/Party.

Project Runway will have its own post real soon as soon as Santino leaves the show.

And oh is this show, or should I say this network, totally gay tonight.

Party/Party is all about two parties done by two different groups. They can be anything from children's parties to Sweet 16's to anniversary parties. Tonight is about two gay couples doing commitment ceremonies.

Both are in Florida. One is in Jacksonville area, the other is southern Florida

One is in Hollywood, FL and was actually being filmed during Hurricane Wilma. This storm really took its toll on this wedding.

Sweet couples. Little whiny but it is for their big day so I can totally understand.

I am not sure which couple I like more but I will say that the daddy of the one couple has a hot ass brother who is on the show. Woof.

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How I Spent the Afternoon.