Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Coretta Scott King Dies at 78

Coretta Scott King, the widow of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., died Monday night in Baja California, Mexico, her sister told CNN.

Mrs. King, 78, suffered a stroke and a mild heart attack last August. As part of her rehabilitation, she was receiving further medical treatment at Hospital Santa Monica, a holistic health center, when she died, her sister Edythe Scott Bagley told CNN.

Via CNN.com

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Project Runway: Classic Line

"She looks like a baboons ass exploded all over her backside." Santino, from Project Runway, doing an imitation of judge Michael Kors regarding Santino's ice skating costume.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Oh Those Gay Weddings....

I am just sitting here watching my latest station of choice, Bravo. After a night of Project Runway(I love Nick Verreos to death) and a cute Queer Eye about a nude calendar for charity I am now watching Party/Party.

Project Runway will have its own post real soon as soon as Santino leaves the show.

And oh is this show, or should I say this network, totally gay tonight.

Party/Party is all about two parties done by two different groups. They can be anything from children's parties to Sweet 16's to anniversary parties. Tonight is about two gay couples doing commitment ceremonies.

Both are in Florida. One is in Jacksonville area, the other is southern Florida

One is in Hollywood, FL and was actually being filmed during Hurricane Wilma. This storm really took its toll on this wedding.

Sweet couples. Little whiny but it is for their big day so I can totally understand.

I am not sure which couple I like more but I will say that the daddy of the one couple has a hot ass brother who is on the show. Woof.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Just a Day Walking Around - Last Week

Finally got these pictures edited and sliced up so here are a few slices of my day.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Things On My Mind, Such as.........

Why is it that I find the women on Saturday Night Live to be so much funnier than the men? Myra Rudolph and Amy Poehler are just two women that can crack me up. Rudolph can impersonate anyone and still not have to do much to do it. She does Oprah, but doesn't use dark make-up; it works cause she is so damn funny. Amy can read that news and just make me laugh, plus I just think of her as the mother in Mean Girls with those breasts/nips of stone. Too much. Which leads to another question of..........

Why is it that housekeepers in my building think they run the place? Or maybe I should say they think they run the laundry room. You go in there, every cart is full of wet or dry clothes just sitting around. They are standing around taking up space and they actually will tell you to move like one did to me the other day. Well now, that was just the last straw, my bitch came out and I just told her like it is. I wasn't mean but believe me she backed off quick. But how about something happier like.........

Thinking of Spring trips with my friends down to the coasts of some southern state. New people coming from other states to hang together in a house that can fit up to 20 people. We are going to kick ass with this vacation and laugh about it for a long time. Looking forward to it very much. Plus if things go right I will have my own private nurse there to attend to my volleyball weary body.........

Do I really have to worry about the bird flu?

Last but not least is my volleyball team I coach; great guys/gals and they had a great season. I quite proud of all they accomplished. They came in 1st place for the season. They actually had a full on grasp of 1st place ¾ of a way through the season and they never let go. Sadly though the 2nd place team for the season beat them in a well fought out match in their end of season tournament. So they flipped to 2nd place in this one day tournament. All is good. They know what they are able to do and know they can learn so much more.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Starwich on 42nd and 10th

Sitting here at a pretty good sandwich place for about 10 minutes, just got my sandwich and was just about ready to dig in when all of the sudden about 20 mothers/nannies walk in the door and unleash these wild kids all over the place.

The children run ignored over the furniture, throwing things, walking behind the counter, just wild in general.

Different mothers are sitting around nursing/breast feeding without a care in the world. There are about two other tables besides me who aren't part of this "little" gathering. It went from quiet and nice to loud and just annoying.

I think before I get my food to stay next time I will be asking if this is a regular occurance.

But the sandwiches are REALLY good here as is the service.

Ooop, one of the queens who own the place just made an annoucement telling the mothers to watch their kids because, "We can't do it for you." Kick ass, girl.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year to All

Happy New Year to everyone.

So just a quick recap of my new years eve and day.

Party at Time Warner Center Residences. Fun. Little stuffy. Mixed crowd but very nice. Stayed about hour and a half with Fast Eddie. We bought a bag with a change of clothes and our liquor and put it in the coat check. Yes, we had to be dressed nicely for this one.

Second party was at the new residence of Pablo and Robert up in Hamilton Heights (Harlem). We (Fast Eddie and I) got out of our cab, ran to the door (okay, it was a quick trot) and headed upstairs to get our relax on. Pabs, Rob and Mike Z were in the house. That was it. 3 of them. It was about 11pm and all was quiet. And to tell you the truth I couldn't have asked for more. We laughed, just acted silly, drank and had fun. Even though the party was planned rather late and the guest list was about 20 or so it would have been just fine if the night was just the 5 of us. I do love these guys. We actually had 3 others show up for about ½ hour. Came, drank and watched the ball drop. Mariah being slutty crazy just was the icing on the cake. Pictures being taken all night.

Then the old people got tired and Fast Eddie and I headed back downtown.

Sunday morning comes the 10:30am phone call saying brunch is set for about an hour in HK (Hell's Kitchen). The Eatery. Of course the company was good. Food was okay and there wasn't much to look at throughout the place except for this woman with lip work but she clearly had the real breasts working for her. Pictures taken all through brunch.

Walking around HK, stopping at Don's to say hi and check out the Victoria Secret show he has on DVR. I love that show. I asked him to queue it up for when we got there. “Drop it on me” was in our heads for the rest of the afternoon.

Down to Chelsea to say hi to Beau and the people left at his place after the party the night before. Actually not sure if they were left over or if they just came back in the morning for breakfast. Smell of alcohol, eggs and bacon filled the room.

Little furniture/clothes shopping. Aldo. Pier1. Starbucks. Adidas. Got my favorite new picture of the group. I think it is really good anyway.

Hope you all had a kick ass time with your family and friends and I will be back to blogging about just stupid, fun stuff in no time.

How I Spent the Afternoon.