Friday, December 09, 2005

So Sticky Sweet Yet Again.

So yet again the city, this time the Upper West Side/Hamilton Heights area, was hit with the sweet smell of mystery. Or should I say the Maple Syrup Mystery. Still no clue as to who or what is emitting this enjoyable smell over the city but in times as they are we have people who are enjoying the smell and those who are very suspicious of the pleasantries.

This time I was not near the smell so I can not say if it was the same that struck us in late October, but I do remember it and how nice it was to walk through. I heard that people were calling 911 and the Office of Emergency Management yet again to report it.

What does that call to 911 sound like?

“I smell something very good inside my apartment and outside and I don't know what it is, please help me.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someone has a birthday coming up! Are you excited!!!
-Dave, Sarah, and Bill

How I Spent the Afternoon.