Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Oh, I Can Not Wait

Thanks to Queerclick for the images.

Anything for Love

That last post makes me think of some of my favorite lyrics. Again some lyrics I would love to realize or have someone else realize with me.

Meatloaf's "I Would Do Anything For Love".

The thing that I love about this song is not Meatloaf's part but the femals singer who comes in 3/4 of the way through the song. Her lyrics just kill me.

Will you raise me up, will you help me down?
Will you get me right out of this godforsaken town?
Will you make it all a little less cold?
I can do that! i can do that!

Will you cater to every fantasy i got?
Will ya hose me down with holy water, if i get too hot?
Will you take me places i've never known?
I can do that! oh oh now, i can do that!
After a while you'll forget everything
It was a brief interlude and a midsummer night's fling
And you'll see that it's time to move on
I won't do that! no i won't do that!

I know the territory, i've been around
It'll all turn to dust and we'll all fall down
And sooner or later, you'll be screwing around

Help Me Out Here.

I need some new music to get me going. I am open to most types of music, but not really into rap/hip hop. Not necessarily talking underground punk kind of stuff either but willing to give a song or two a listen to give it a chance.

Let me know what is getting your moving during your commute or during your workouts at the gym or, hell, whatever is it that is getting your ass singing and dancing around your living room.

Mention as many artists or songs as you can think of that kick ass. Current or old favorites are welcome.


Damn, He has GOOD Taste

I could promise you that I would be "living la vida loca" too if I had this one to share my beach blanket with. I know when I saw this it was more mentioning Ricky in his speedos but I glazed over him and got stuck on his "friend".

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy Holidays Far and Near

Click HERE to play.

So here is the anticipated video. Didn't come out as well as I hoped but after two attempts at it I just said, "screw it."
So from my lips to your ears (and eyes), I wish you all a Merry Holiday Season and Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Lost in the shuffle.

Find this very cute.
Sorry it wasn't more of a timely post.
(Click to enlarge if the text is too small.)

Monday, December 19, 2005

LPI Media Interviews and Sheryl Swoopes

So this has been on my mind for sometime now. Really the fact is I am reminded every month when I pick up The Advocate or Out magazine. Both of these publications are now owned by LPI Media.

The thing that seems to keep getting at me is always part of the interview they do with a smaller actor near the front of the magazine. Actually the interviews are usually the first thing you hit after all the editorial letters and such stuff at the front of any magazine.

I seem to find that no matter what the actor is being interviewed about there is always a need to let the reader know whether or not he/she is gay. Or should I really say there is always an alluding to the fact that; “well, my wife and I went to see” or “she and her live in boyfriend of 5 years” or “he started this movies fresh from his honeymoon with his high school sweetheart.”

Do we care about that? Doesn't that take away from whatever role they are discussing?

Yes, the actors are usually taking about a gay/bi/trans character they have portrayed in a movie but am I supposed to be impressed that he is a gay man who can act the gay role? Am I supposed to be amazed that a gay man can play a straight role. I think we see gay playing straight a lot more than we see straight playing gay.

If you read a couple of the interviews you will understand what I mean.

And while I am on a role discussing people who need to let you know.....Hello, Ms. Sheryl Swoopes.

I was more than happy to hear you came out as a active professional basketball player who has a lot of substance but must every picture I see of you have you wearing Olivia Tours on every part of your body.

I don't think it was such a surprise to anyone that you came out or that you play women's pro basketball but was it really about the money?

Enough already. Just some stuff to think about. I was going to include the picture of Sheryl in her Olivia Tours tracksuit but I thought this was just a little funnier.

Yes, I know.

I have been bad once again by taking a couple of weeks between really posting anything good here. Well, at least anything fun. I think I threw in that NYC mystery smell just to let you all know I am still around.

I promise I will be caught up by Christmas.

I even promise a personal video Holiday greeting for all who want to get a look at me in motion. Well, not so much in motion as sitting in a chair in front of my screen saying hi to one and all.

I will let you know when and where it is up.

So stay tuned for the next week to catch up on that last 4 weeks or so.

What do I have coming up? The Washington DC volleyball tournament, Harry Potter, My Seattle ex, LPI/Sheryl Swoopes, Desperate Housewives and of course, my big 34th birthday December 15th.

Yes, I did have comments mentioning my birthday already posted on here from my friends Dave, Sarah and Bill down on 52nd. Crazy, funny lot they are.

Keep reading.

Nipped but never Tucked

So for the past couple of weeks I have been really getting into Nip/Tuck. Yes, I know I am late getting on this band wagon but as a CHARMED fan I have always paid attention to where the actors have moved onto.

Of the episodes I have caught I have picked up on individual patient stories but still lost on many of the stories involving the regular cast.

Never really a big fan of Bruno Campos but damn he let Bryce Johnson push him down on that hospital bed and took it like a pro. Finally some hot, not overly pornographic gay sex. Hell, it is FX (Fox) after all.

Love the story with the son and his racist girlfriend and her family. Sad but interesting.

And of course this story of the Carver is going to be good on the season finale tomorrow night. 2 hours. Nice.

Favorite Line: The Apprentice: Martha Stewart

"Thank you, Leslie, but we just don't need you. Goodbye."

This was weeks ago but the tone was pure be-yatch.

Seeing Martha Stewart sitting there across of Leslie made you think damn, I wish I could just be that much of a bitch to someone's face. Sadly, or maybe not so sadly, I don't have that talent.

Friday, December 09, 2005

So Sticky Sweet Yet Again.

So yet again the city, this time the Upper West Side/Hamilton Heights area, was hit with the sweet smell of mystery. Or should I say the Maple Syrup Mystery. Still no clue as to who or what is emitting this enjoyable smell over the city but in times as they are we have people who are enjoying the smell and those who are very suspicious of the pleasantries.

This time I was not near the smell so I can not say if it was the same that struck us in late October, but I do remember it and how nice it was to walk through. I heard that people were calling 911 and the Office of Emergency Management yet again to report it.

What does that call to 911 sound like?

“I smell something very good inside my apartment and outside and I don't know what it is, please help me.”

How I Spent the Afternoon.