Wednesday, October 05, 2005

People Really Do Read Me.

Received this post in the comments section for the movie SCAB I posted about.
Hey. Thanks for spreading the word about our film. We hope we don't disapoint (too much). It's more of a "Queer Vampire Drama"... (Yes, with hotties!)

World Premiere: Reel Affirmations G&L Film Festival, Washington, D.C., Oct. 21st.

Reeling G&L Film Festival, Chicago, November 6th.

Thanks again and all the best,
Arik Treston
Producer, "Scab"
Standing Room Pictures, LLC

Arik, thanks for checking out what I had to say. Might be a good reason to get to DC the week before All Hollows Eve.

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How I Spent the Afternoon.