Hey Dave, guess who was on the subway platform with me and then sat one person over from me on the way downtown? None other than our soon-to-be Manhattan Borough President Brian Ellner. I say soon because he is really the only face I recognize in the race and I haven't heard any scandal or wrong doings by him.
And he is a lot cuter in person, believe me I looked, than he is on his website or on his flyers.
Dave and I actually first saw Brian Ellner at Broadway Bares this year. After waiting a mile in line to get inside Roseland we saw him at the front of the line shaking hands and meeting hopeful voters.
We both took his postcard/flyer home that night.
I have to say his flyer is still very visible up and around Dave's house. Well, at least it was the last time I was there.
I was visiting his website today and he actually wrote about being up at the 77th Street station coming downtown. Sad he didn't mention me though. I could have sworn we had a moment. Or maybe he was just trying to figure me out.
We shall see. I did leave a comment on his blog after all.
I can honestly say that Brian is still up in our apartment! -Dave
I can vouch for that! - Dave's roommie, S
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