Just so you know this entry is picking up basically from Saturday the 9th of July until present.
Last time I was writing I was not in the best place....believe me, I am now. After getting re-pissed as it were last night I am more than fine with everything now. I won't even go into what made me so pissed. But I hope you know why I was if you are reading this. End of that.
So. What next? Well, I have been downloading music lately, don't ask me if it is illegal or legal. But I was just throwing in names of people and getting some of the songs that my program sent back. One of the songs that came back was Tim McGraw's “Live Like You Were Dying”. That has now become my new mantra. It is so true and if you don't know it or just think country sucks or whatever; find it, listen to it and think about it. I just wish someone else hadtwo weeks ago. Damn, stop it.
So I thought I would start off with two hotties that caught my eye this week. Chris Cairns and Tino Martinez.

Back to EK. Oh dear Edward. He had his first and possibly only mention back in my birthday posting. If you know when that is you can read about what he did for me on my special day.
Anyway, last week, I do believe it was on Saturday I went out. My first night out since the “break”. Ran into a handful of people. Many asking where I had been and what I was up to. I really just hung out with my friend Hal and other volleyball people who came in.
But out of nowhere here comes EK just strutting through the crowd, cocky as ever (one of those things you have to love about him) and stops right by me. Now I had done Edward wrong after New Years because I had been overwhelmed with his feelings towards me. I had stopped calling and returning calls. Yes, I was awful, but in that time I had gone back out with an ex in Boston and then out of the blue there was Schawn. No excuse either way. We talked, drank, walked around and then ate, he was drunk, I offered to take him home so he didn't have to drive back to Jersey. I would never allow that, shit that is a long ass drive.
So that explains why he was with me Sunday morning around 10:30 when we saw Tino. That reminds me I have to call him.
So the days have been filled with volleyball, weekends from about 1pm-8:30pm, so if you want to know where I am you can usually find me. Weekdays it is the same, from about 5pm-8:30pm. Not sure about this up and coming weekend though because the rain storm is supposed to hit us tomorrow or Saturday and make for a sucky weekend.
But back to what has been going on.
Sunday after seeing Tino and playing all day I went out on my ex's boat. I had slept on it before but I hadn't been on it since it came back up to New York this May. He is chartering it out as well as living on it. I am really happy for him because as I found out on Sunday he is quite happy in where he is right now. Dating a guy he really likes, happy with the living/chartering the boat situation out of both Jersey City and Miami (in the NY off season). He even wants to set me up on a blind date with a friend of his. We shall see. Go check out his site (Prana Sailing)for his boat and believe me it is a great boat. I sailed it down to the Newport harbor that night. Great night to be out on the water, only bad part was waiting for the Path train to take me back to the city once we got down there.
Actually in the midst of writing this post I decided to break it up into a number of different postings so I dont' have to be sitting here all day.
Talk to you soon.
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