Tuesday, March 15, 2005

My Pao, My Pao

Oh a good night out is always a great thing, especially when you are back to my normal, hate that word, self. How about back to my usual self? Wait, who am I asking? I am the one writing this, I can describe it any damn way I want and it still won’t matter because I am the writer, editor and publisher, well, for the most part.

Well, before I get off on a massive tangent I will just say what I had to say and get out of there.

Last night, after BAP (volleyball club) practice, we decided to go out for my friend Jim’s birthday. His birthday is actually today but since he and his boyfriend were both on this side of the Hudson we thought no better time than 2 hours before his rightful birthday.

After deciding on a place we ended up at XL.

We had a small group of about 7-8 and toasted Jim and had a really good time.

I called Schawn to let him know where we were so he could come over after his ‘so fun’ dinner with some business people he has come into town to see. Well, luckily he got there before the show started.

The show, by the way, was called Straight Guy for the Queer Eye. Four straight guys from Broadway brought in to sing some songs and make the gays go crazy. Yes, they were cute but I still refuse to believe all of them were straight.

Drinks were had, songs applauded and good nights were said.

Thanks to Marell, Corey, Eladio, Vince, Billy and Schawn for coming our for Jim’s 33rd. Finally we are the same age. That 3 month stretch in between his and my birthday seems like forever.

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How I Spent the Afternoon.