Monday, January 24, 2005

Caught My Eye

As many know I love Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I hardly sit there and cry the entire episode but a tear can come to the eye near the end when the family comes home, has the proverbial break down and gets to live happily ever after. In most cases, that ever after is in a mortgage free home also.

But of recent they have been switching members of the crew on some weeks and this has actually made me quite happy. It first started when they switched blondes who do the shopping for the interior of the house but of recent it has been the carpenter and landscape guys. Even though I love to see that little daddy Paul with his scruffy face and big crocodile tears I was most excited to see a hot english bloke filling in for him a couple of weeks back. Ed Sanders come on down you crazy hottie. Not sure what it was; the accent of that shaved head. Sexy....and yes, that is reason enough to watch.

I would still watch the show no matter who the crew was for any given week but then last night they introduced Eduardo Xol who would be taking over for landscaping, usually Preston's job. Now, I know I said Ed was a sexy bit, but Eduardo just had me the whole episode.

Okay, so why am I rambling on about this bunch? I am not sure, but I will be sure to keep an eye out for any new people and continue to love the show. Oh wait, I can catch Eduardo again tonight on Extreme Makeover: How'd They Do That?

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How I Spent the Afternoon.