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Showing posts from June, 2011

That kind of day.

Kidding,  it is just OJ & Ginger but find me in an hour and there will be a splash of other things in there.

What kind of people throw out garbage like this? Answer: my neighbors in 2F.

Deck maintenance w/ our new power washer

Betsy Loves Sarah Palin!!

Best line: "I'm going to have to go home and eat my feelings. I hate that"

G'night from NYC.

We weren't here for a minute before he was in the pool.

Sent from my Windows 7 Phone

Still at the Press Lounge @Ink48.

Sitting out on the deck....

and I can hear someone is playing the 'I Believe' segment from the Tony Awards.

Such a cozy tree on a 65°F day.

The Low Country Boil from Saturday night....

So good. I have a box of it in the fridge for lunch.

Pretty in an Empire State way. #NYC #nothinglikeit

Is this for Gay Pride month? If not, then maybe it should be.

Hot and muggy during our dog walk. A bit hazy too.

I think the threat of rain issue scaring off the vendors from the Annual 44th St 'Yard Sale's.