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Showing posts from 2011


Makes me kinda want to watch "The New Girl" tonight. Maybe.

Santa Barbara Favorite Pics

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Hero from Miguel Endara on Vimeo . The making of "Hero," a drawing of my dad composed entirely out of 3.2 million ink dots. Music by Bonobo - Noctuary Created and Produced by Miguel Endara

A Picture for the Day.

Just another kind of graffiti/art.

Playing Catch Up When I Would Rather Be.........

Sad to say I have yet again been a bit busy and let the blog suffer, even picture wise. So I think I will go back and slowly fill in the spaces that have been missed. I always have a camera with me and have photos for almost any event I have attended so get ready for a little photo overload. No more than 4-5 photos per post though. Only the best of the best. Funny enough the next post will be the only one without photos…… can you guess why?

Hey Chicago.... I'm Back!!!! 'til Monday Monday.

A Good Picture from Acadia National Park

How about a big smile from Sand Beach in Maine.

Beautiful Night.

Have you?

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He took my pic so I took his.

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It is a nice day out. That is all, for now.

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How About A Little Wholesome Farm Fun?

Side by Side by Susan Blackwell: Jonathan Groff

I'm Picking Up Your Xmas Present Now!!!

Question is: Have you been a good boy this year???

This is def. a gay wedding. FUN!!!!

Question for Fellow Moleskin Lovers:

Do you ever feel like one of the hat guys from the Adjustment Bureau when u walk around town? Do you duck in and out of random doors swiftly & smoothly? Is it just me?

Seems Like Everyone Loves Everyone....

When there is a microphone to speak into!!!

Are you on Twitter yet?

Just a lovely blue skied day!!!

Batman & Bathrooms

Update: Just found this draft from 2005. Wow, how did I write all this and then not publish it? Maybe I wrote it on my phone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday after volleyball I was up for seeing a movie, I know, I said I would see Murderball this weekend but I never got to it. Batman Begins made the list instead. I had been dying to see it. I love Christian Bale. As a comic book kid since I was 6 or 7 I had always read them, loved them just for what they were. I had hundreds but I wasn't a collector. Just a kid with a 2 tv boxes of comics that my mother wanted thrown away. She eventually got her wish. The movie was great in my eyes. Better than even the first one with Jack Nicholson. I loved the very dark aspects of Bruce Wayne and Batman, both individually and as one. Loved the scene at Arkan with Batman and Scarecrow. Was a little disappointed in Katie Holmes but it could j...

Match Game: In The Closet

Olivia Newton-John - Landslide (1981)

Scary that I remember this. 9 year old gay kids loved their Olivia.


Just because there is EVERY REASON to post this. There is NEVER enough Ben Cohen .  

The Aeon Project

A Couple of Nice (Future) Options For The Deck.

He is too much. That is why I call relaxed.

Rise of The Planet of the Apes - Comic Con Tease

This looks SO GOOD.

Kate Hudson - Cinema Italiano - Nine - 720p HD

Great song, great number, bad movie. Plus they used it on SYTYCD this week. Can't beat it.

And, of course, it ends with "And I Am Telling You......"

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Getting setup at Ravinia for J Hud concert.

Out and about in Chicago.

Marcus And Michele Bachmann Explain Marriage To You

Down on Pier 25 in Tribeca.

A little lunch.

Goodbye....goodbye....goodbye. :'(

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And off the ferry jokes.

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That kind of day.

Kidding,  it is just OJ & Ginger but find me in an hour and there will be a splash of other things in there.

What kind of people throw out garbage like this? Answer: my neighbors in 2F.

Deck maintenance w/ our new power washer

Betsy Loves Sarah Palin!!

Best line: "I'm going to have to go home and eat my feelings. I hate that"

G'night from NYC.

We weren't here for a minute before he was in the pool.

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Still at the Press Lounge @Ink48.

Sitting out on the deck....

and I can hear someone is playing the 'I Believe' segment from the Tony Awards.

Such a cozy tree on a 65°F day.

The Low Country Boil from Saturday night....

So good. I have a box of it in the fridge for lunch.

Pretty in an Empire State way. #NYC #nothinglikeit

Is this for Gay Pride month? If not, then maybe it should be.

Hot and muggy during our dog walk. A bit hazy too.

I think the threat of rain issue scaring off the vendors from the Annual 44th St 'Yard Sale's.

So instead we stopped over at the nursery.

Tried to walk the dog & see some ships...

but it was a madhouse down there. Both at Pier 84 (where the dog run is) & at the Intrepid.

Who wants to go? It is tonight.

Imagine your dreams after a nightmare like this.

Look the sun is out. Oh, it feels good to see you again.

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Mmmm, chowders. Both clam and corn. Very good.

@Bostwick's Chowder House. Sent from my Windows 7 Phone

Dinner at Aqualis Grill in Fort Green, Brooklyn.

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