Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The bar is decorated so nicely. #Lansdowne


Crazy pigeon just flew into patio door. Left behind a bloody mess for me to clean up.
Our dog is going crazy because he wants to go catch the limping bird before it dies.

Sent from my Windows 7 Phone

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

For The Record!!!

I would appreciate it if Microsoft can make picture taking easier on the Windows 7 Phone on their big update coming early 2011.  As you can see my last few pics are a touch blurry because of the pressure you need to put on the side shutter button.  Give me onscreen shutter please!!!!!


I also still need to do an update on my trip, but two weeks later I wonder if anyone cares anymore?!?!

Let the Festivities Begin.....


How I Spent the Afternoon.