Tuesday, August 28, 2007

If Not Pasha...

then Sabra was my next pic.
Congrats to our 3rd So You Think You Can Dance Champion.
Or as Nigel says, "America's Favorite Dancer".

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

No More Pasha

So my Pasha was eliminated last night on So You Think You Can Dance, but that is okay because he will be back next week for the finally show and of course the tour. Not like I will go see the tour.

But oh how I will miss that gap toothed smile. Gap-toothed guys STICK TOGETHER.

Oh yeah, Lauren was eliminated too.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Oh, Make Me Happy.

Happy I found this, now I can watch it daily and relive the first time....oh, good lord, I am stupid.
Love it though.
Still love my Travis, he should have won.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Just to Put This Out There

Found this great article in this week's New York Magazine.
It basically is a piece regarding fame and reality shows, centering most on BRAVO's Project Runway and Top Chef.

From the article:
If you’re a viewer, Bravo’s competition reality shows—Top Chef and Project Runway in particular—make up some of the most addictive programming on television. In part, their appeal comes from the simple, old-fashioned pleasure of watching people make something with their hands. But they also come with a television-ready arc: Each episode starts with a mystery and asks the contestants to solve it, as if they were cops: Your challenge is to make a dress out of coffee filters and azaleas. For “coastal, educated” people, the base of Bravo’s viewers, these shows offer idealized reflections of their lives—urban, verbal, multiethnic, creative, gay—and, like an idealized life in the city, they’re mini-meritocracies, driven not just by personality but talent.

For the contestants, the implicit promise of these shows is that they’re time machines, compressing the brutal urban mechanics of getting ahead—the political maneuvering, the grinding incremental labor—from a matter of years to months. The problem is that reality-show success is no substitute for real-world experience. “There is something a little bit cruel about all the attention,” says Ted Allen, the dignified cooking guru of Bravo’s Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and a recurring judge on Top Chef. “Because during the season you’re in one of the shows, you are famous for a while, and you get to enjoy all the fun of that. But you’re not someone who has any sort of expertise that’s going to keep you on television. There’s no certain road map for translating that kind of ephemeral success into a life of yachts and bling.”

Read it all, if you like your BRAVO as much as I do you will appreciate and easily understand all the points of view.

Southpoint Park

is located at the southern point of Roosevelt Island.

Recently while reading a blog I stumbled upon a new free outdoor movie night. Now we have Bryant Park, which is only a few blocks from our apartment but they show movies on Monday nights and I coach on Mondays so I never get to go.

Southpoint Park shows movies about every two weeks on Saturday evenings. This week was going to be Happy Feet. I had never seen it and even though I am not crazy about animated movies I did want to see this one since it came out.

I had never been to Roosevelt Island so I was excited to see a piece of NYC that is so close but yet kind of far.

My friend Joshua had been out at the Black Pride events and had text messaged me that he was done and asked what I was doing at the time. At the time I was playing volleyball in the park but I told him of my plans for later and he said would it be cool if he joined and I said of course, the more the merrier.

We met at Starbucks and then grabbed some Subway Sandwiches and headed for the Tram. Again, one of those things I have seen for 13 years but never had a need for until today. It was a nice smooth ride over to the island, and yes it does take metro cards.

We got out there, a little later than planned and walked on down to the park. Apparently there was a bus but we were late and didn't know where or how long it would take.

We walked through the park, past that mystery building you can see while driving down the FDR on the East Side. It looks like a mansion but I still have no idea what it is but it is gorge.

For the str8's reading this gorge = gorgeous.

Found our way to the field grabbed a seat near that back, having to enter from the front and work your way to the back. The movie had started early but no harm.

It was a great night. Cooled down from the heat of the day, nice breeze and was a great family night.

The movie was fun and had alot of music from all genres.I will be returning for the viewing of Funny Girl on the 18th of August, if I am here.
Anyone want to join me?

Happy Birthdays.....

Happy Birthday to ...... Troy, Joshua, Josh, Rich and Marell.

The picture below is from the gathering at GYM Bar last Thursday for Rich and Marell's bday. Actually it was Rich's birthday gathering, Marell neglected to tell most people it was his birthday but once I knew I made sure everyone also know.

On A Lighter Note...

I am again working on changing some things on this site, such as outdated links, links I no longer go to, new links that I hope you will like as much as I do.

I also want to go back to having fun instead of bitching about things; that is just no fun.

But then again as a NYC resident don't we just bitch about things so we can release that tension and go about our happy lives? I know I do. My friend Joshua told me the other day he wishes he could let things go as easily as I do. He has heard me bitch and then forget it a moment later.

Try it, it feels so good.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

New York is


While walking up 9th Avenue today, just a block or two before reaching Port Authority, I saw what I can only imagine was ..........

Wait I can't even write it, the image in my head just makes me want to retch.

All I have to say is how hard is it, in this day and age, to find a toilet in this city.


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Camping Again.

Starting to make this a habit.
Seems I coach on Mondays and then we end up camping Tuesday afternoon and come back Wednesday late morning/afternoon.
I am loving it.
Took better pictures this time also.

How I Spent the Afternoon.