Talk about a nail biter.
Saturday afternoon, well early evening, my Division 7 team was scheduled to play the last match. Now, last week, the first week of the season, only 5 people of a team of 9 showed up to play. I was worried at that point.
By game time I just wanted them to have fun. Most were new to me. I knew Brian and I had just met my best friend's new boyfriend, John; both great guys. I had seen Brian play in the past and I knew his abilities and somewhat weaknesses. John surprised me with a strong arm, good hands and a great serve. The rest of the guys on the team who I didn't know I figured I would help to improve over the season.
Well, they won their match last week 3-0 and with blowout scores. Everyone was on. Makes you wonder if that is just first week luck or the makings of a really strong team.
So come the second week, yesterday, I was curious to see the other 4 people who would make or break this team. By 20 minutes to play time we had 7 people. It was at this point that the captain, Osmond, tells me that 2 people had dropped out. I never knew there names and won’t bother to look them up. So we had 7, the 5 from the previous week: Osmond, John, Brian, Jason and Steven. In addition we now had James and Matt.
New rotations to work out, attitudes to deal with, suggestions and wants from many of the members. I was about to go out of my mind. Never has it been so hard to just get them to play. But I will say once we left the practice area that is just what they did. They played and they played hard.
Being new again they needed to find their groove. They actually lost the first game, but came back in a nail biter of a second game. It came right down to the wire. We were actually behind at the 3 minute point and that is when the hero of the match came up to serve. Jason served the other team off the court racking up the needed and the victory for game two.
Game three though took right up were we left off, great serving, hitting, passing, setting. It was all around good playing from my guys. And yet again the serves at the end of the game, Jason yet again, closed out the victory and sealed the team’s second week win and seemingly stay in first place for this week.
Good playing guys and see you next week.